
About Dr. R. Charles Gordon

Dr. Gordon is a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon known as a leading advocate in research for the spine. He is an expert in the implementation of the latest in laser technique and stem cell (from the patient’s own body), as well as other biologic advances. He’s also on the front line of utilizing early genetic detection of potential spine and neurological problems. Dr. Gordon is the founder of the Texas Spine & Joint Hospital, a highly respected hospital with a growing national reputation. His involvement in the Olfactory initiative combines his neurosurgical expertise with a focus on the sensory aspects of neurological health, particularly in the realm of Olfactory training and its impact on cognitive functions.

Dr. Gordon is a Board-Certified Neurosurgeon known as a leading advocate in research for the spine. He is an expert in the implementation of the latest in laser technique and stem cell (from the patient’s own body), as well as other biologic advances. He’s also on the front line of utilizing early genetic detection of potential spine and neurological problems. Dr. Gordon is the founder of the Texas Spine & Joint Hospital, a highly respected hospital with a growing national reputation. His involvement in the OL Factory initiative combines his neurosurgical expertise with a focus on the sensory aspects of neurological health, particularly in the realm of olfactory training and its impact on cognitive functions.

A whiff of aroma, a leap in memory – scent is powerful medicine.

The power of scent goes beyond mere olfaction; it acts as a bridge to our deepest memories. The phrase “A whiff of aroma, a leap in memory – scent is powerful medicine” encapsulates this phenomenon. Scents, more than just ephemeral fragrances, can instantly transport us across time and space, reviving forgotten moments with vivid clarity. This abstract concept underscores the potency of scent as a tool for memory recall, evoking emotions and thoughts long stored away. It highlights the remarkable capability of our sense of smell to not just perceive the world around us, but to also unlock the hidden vaults of our past experiences.

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